Pet News and Advice

PetsPlease News and Advice

Naturally Keep Your Dogs Flea Free

Published on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 in

A few nasty parasites are all it takes to start a flea party on your precious dog’s shiny fur. Once the female flea feeds and lays 4000 eggs to turn into mini draculas, all hell breaks loose and it’s up to the pet owners to control the flea infestation. Prevention through good hygiene is the best way to keep your pet flea free. It’s not just about giving your pet its daily bath but it’s also keeping their environment free of parasites. But fleas have become increasingly resistant to the commercial synthetic chemicals that are supposed to eradicate them. As pesticides have become stronger, they've become more harmful to animals and their owners. With the help of veterinarians, dog groomers and fellow dog lovers, here’s an earful of information on natural and doable remedies for a flea infestation.


1. Pyrethrum is a natural insecticide which has been used for centuries to kill parasitic bugs including head lice. They’re taken from old world chrysanthemum flower heads. Simply crush a small amount of dried flowers and mix it with water and use it as spray around the house. Although it is natural, it can still be harmful so use as minimal amount as possible with optimum caution. However, planting old world chrysanthemums around your garden can keep your pet’s play area safe from fleas.

2. Diatomaceous earth is fossilized remains of marine phytoplanktons. It’s the most effective flea killer and is the safest alternative insecticide for both pets and owners. Diatomites are very absorbent and upon contact with fleas, the fine powder dehydrates and kills the pesky little things. It can also be sprinkled on your pet’s lounging areas, on the carpet, all around the house and even on the lawn.

3. The vacuum cleaner is your best friend when getting rid of bugs that have also infested your home. Give the carpet a bit more attention and be obsessed with dark damp places. After vacuuming, immediately get rid of the dust bag by sealing it in garbage bag sprayed with insecticide.

4. Collect everything that needs to be washed and give them a good hot tumbling in the dryer.

5. Research says certain smell attracts parasites to their hosts. Therefore, a good smelling regularly bathed dog is one of your preventive methods to keep it flea free with the use of herbal shampoos. The natural scents of citronella, rosemary and wormwood repel fleas.

For the love of pets, man has found innovative ways to deal with vampiric infestation without the use of harmful chemicals. Soon we can be pleased that the fleas flee.


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