Dog News and Advice

PetsPlease News and Advice

How to take care of your pets in Summer.

Published on Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Dogs and Puppies

Summer is in the air and if you think you are the only one who feels the summer heat think again. Your pet is also prone to the sweltering summer sun and without proper protection your companion might end up suffering from heat stroke and other health issues. As a pet owner it is your responsibility to see to the welfare of your pet especially when the temperature starts to rise. If you are not sure on how to keep your pet safe and happy during the summer season, here are a few tips that are worth keeping in mind.

  • Never Leave Your Pet in the Car – No matter what kind of pet you may have, never leave it in your car no matter how short time it may be. If you have no choice but to do so, make sure that the air conditioning is running and that the windows are rolled down a bit to allow air to circulate but not allowing your pet to run away.
  • Provide Shade – The summer sun can take its toll on your pets especially if they love the outdoors. What you need to do is to create a shade for them to hide such as a doghouse placed under the shade of a tree or let them indoors where it’s a bit cooler.
  • Supply Water – Pets need more water during this season so make sure that their water bowl is always supplied with fresh water. Add some ice cubes to it to help lower their temperature a bit especially during the hottest times of the day.
  • Keep Summer Food Locked Up – Summer means picnics and if you are fond of barbecuing meat and corn on the cob, make sure that you don’t feed the scraps to your pet as these will get lodged in their throat or intestines. Keep your garbage locked up tight so your pet won’t gain access to them.
  • Use Lifevests – If you will be hitting the beach and you want to bring your pet with you, provide it with a life vest in case you want to bring it to the waters. If you have a pool on your property, make sure that you train your pet to get out of the pool using the stairs. Repeat the training until your pet knows how to exit the pool properly on its own.

The summer season can be fun not just for you but your pet as well. Just make sure that you give ample protection to it during this hot summer time.


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