Dogs for Sale

Seller Info

User: Cottage Canines
Member Since: Jul 20, 2014

Ph: 0411846474
Sydney, New South Wales 2150

Listing ID: 2081
Listing Began: Feb 4-12:03
Times Viewed: 88948

Beaglier - 7/8 Cavalier 1/8 Beagle

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel x Beagle $1,500.00 AUD


Size: Small
Description: Bubbly Beaglier Babies!

Sweet and gentle natured, these little puppies take on the affectionate disposition of the Cavalier, though are more robust and hardy like the Beagle, with less health concerns than Pure Bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. You can see a full breed profile on our website

Microchipped & Vaccinated
Wormed and Flea Treated
Free Vet Check where we can sign you up to 4 weeks free pet insurance
2kg Bag of Royal Canin Junior
Goodie bag of toys, and other extras to take home
Puppy Pack full of information!

Registered Breeders with AAPDB (Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders)
and PIAA (Pet Industry Association of Australia).

Please contact 0411 84 64 74
[email protected]
Instagram @cottagecanines

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