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Seller Info

User: flossandposs
Member Since: Jul 26, 2018

Mobile: 0479044466
Gold Coast, Queensland 4210

Seller Notes

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Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Bank Transfer, Paypal

Listing ID: 4813
Listing Began: Aug 12-14:18
Times Viewed: 1943

Floss and Poss: The Great Food Search

$20.00 AUD

Floss and Poss: The Great Food Search

Price: $20.00 AUD
Shipping and handling: $$5.00 AUD (Shipping within Australia, contact seller for international shipping)


Description: Floss and Poss are two very Cheeky Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They go in search of all kinds of foods inside their house and outside. What will they find? Don’t forget to look out for a gecko hiding on each page!!