Other Pets for Sale

Seller Info

User: natasha kircher
Member Since: Apr 7, 2014

Ph: 61414645256
Mobile: 61414645256
North Maclean, 4280

Seller Notes

Seller Accepts:

Listing ID: 4575
Listing Began: Jan 12-3:23
Times Viewed: 28857

Chickens, chicks for sale.

Chicken $10.00 AUD


Description: Based in Queensland, I breed a small variety of heritage Poultry including Belgian D'uccle, Japanese Bantams, Silkies, Polish, Large Sussex, Wyandotte x frizzle, Araucanas, Pekins, Call Ducks and Indian Runners.
From day olds for broodies up to 5-6 month old pullets.
0-7 days $8 each (min 2) or 4 for $30.
1-3 weeks _are $10 each or 4 for $35
Pullets from $15
Lots of colours, visit my Facebook page Tashandee Park Poultry and Ponies for Pictures
Can transport chicks using pet transport for interstate purchasers.