Other Pets for Sale

Seller Info

User: SqueaksMousery
Member Since: Apr 30, 2017

Mobile: 0457126460
Doncaster , Victoria 3108

Seller Notes

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Listing ID: 4202
Listing Began: May 3-7:52
Times Viewed: 23531

Beautiful Friendly Hand Reared Fancy Male Mice

Mice $10.00 AUD


Description: Hi, I have 15 Fancy Baby Male Mice for sale.
They are friendly, loving & hand reared and enjoy being held.
They are very active, spending alot of time running
in their wheel & playing in their tunnel.
They are low maintenance and low cost - a
perfect first pet for children.
Their are many different colours and coat types
All mice come with a small amount of food and a care sheet.

Fact if you would like only Two or More mice you can keep the male mice together from the same litter.
But if you want to add more mice in the future you can only add to female mice.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Price start at $10

Photos are of actual mice for sale

thank you

Squeaks Mousery

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