Other Pets for Sale

Seller Info

User: Sharee
Member Since: Jan 11, 2015

Ph: 0451507510
Mobile: 0451507510
Sydney, New South Wales 2555

Listing ID: 2006
Listing Began: Jan 12-2:59
Times Viewed: 22901

Mixed Breed Doe - Trained for Rabbit Hopping

Rabbit $120.00 AUD


Description: Hi,

My name is Sharee. I am a club member of RHSA and also a judge for this club. I currently have a Chocolate Self Standard Rex X Mini Lop mix doe who has just started her training. She is already excelling over 15cm and showing huge potential. She is forward going and has huge movement giving her the opportunity to be of some competition to other hopping rabbits. She is currently 3 months old allowing her to be able to compete at out local club meetings.

If you are interested in this potential star please Email or Ring. Photo's of her in training will be available by emailing me. Any questions regarding what rabbit hopping is are also welcome.

Cheers Sharee,
Splash Rabbits Stud.

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