Fish for Sale

Seller Info

User: FinTastic
Member Since: Feb 28, 2014

Ph: 61408823989
Mobile: 61408823989
Ormeau, Queensland 4208

Seller Notes

Seller Accepts:
Bank Transfer

Listing ID: 1915
Listing Began: Dec 11-7:01
Times Viewed: 27524

Black Bar Red Top Zebra......great African Cichlid

African Cichlid Lake Malawi (Riftlake Cichlid Fish) $6.50 AUD


Description: ------- FINTASTIC CICHLIDS ORMEAU – Like us on Facebook -------

I have some great quality Black Bar Red Top Zebras available for sale. Not many of these stunning African Cichlids around these days and you don’t often find them in Aquarium shops.

Limited amount of fry available, sold unsexed but will be a good mix:

About 30-40mm........ 6 for $40
About 50-70mm........ 6 for $50

Minimum total buy is 6 Black Bar Red Top Zebras. If you also might be interested in some of the other 20 types of African Cichlids I breed, please click on my breeder page.

Pick up from Ormeau, QLD 4208 only. No shipping.

Please note that I’m not like a fish shop as I always have the fish caught and ready for pick-up when the buyer arrives. It takes a while to get rocks etc out and then catch fish in different tanks so it’s best for all parties to have this done before people arrive. I also breed some fish that are very skittish and difficult, hence disturbances must be kept to a minimum. I supply some of the better aquarium shops in South East Queensland, so my fish are great quality and coloration.
The fish will be caught and waiting for you in a container with an air stone and Seachem Stressguard. All ready for pick up and a safe journey to a new home when you arrive at the agreed time.


Advanced natural colour enhancing Cichlid pellets for fish 40mm and over, 250g: $12

----- FINTASTIC CICHLIDS ORMEAU – Like us on Facebook -------

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