Fish for Sale

Seller Info

User: FinTastic
Member Since: Feb 28, 2014

Ph: 61408823989
Mobile: 61408823989
Ormeau, Queensland 4208

Seller Notes

Seller Accepts:
Bank Transfer

Listing ID: 1914
Listing Began: Dec 11-6:56
Times Viewed: 27558

Hemi. Oxyrhynchus......very rare African Cichlid!

African Cichlid Lake Malawi (Riftlake Cichlid Fish) $18.00 AUD


Description: ------- FINTASTIC CICHLIDS ORMEAU – Like us on Facebook -------

I have some great quality Hemi. Oxyrhynchus available for sale. This is a very very rare and stunning African Cichlid that you won’t find in Aquarium shops. The males are beautiful and majestic as display fish or great for someone interested in breeding a very rare African Cichlid.

Limited amount of fry available, sold unsexed but will be a good mix:

About 30-40mm........ 3 for $55 or 6 for $100
About 45-60mm........ 3 for $65 or 6 for $115

Minimum total buy is 3 Oxyrhynchus. If you also might be interested in some of the other 20 types of African Cichlids I breed, please click on my breeder page.

Pick up from Ormeau, QLD 4208 only. No shipping.

Please note that I’m not like a fish shop as I always have the fish caught and ready for pick-up when the buyer arrives. It takes a while to get rocks etc out and then catch fish in different tanks so it’s best for all parties to have this done before people arrive. I also breed some fish that are very skittish and difficult, hence disturbances must be kept to a minimum. I supply some of the better aquarium shops in South East Queensland, so my fish are great quality and coloration.
The fish will be caught and waiting for you in a container with an air stone and Seachem Stressguard. All ready for pick up and a safe journey to a new home when you arrive at the agreed time.


Advanced natural colour enhancing Cichlid pellets for fish 30mm and over, 250g: $12

----- FINTASTIC CICHLIDS ORMEAU – Like us on Facebook ------

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