Birds for Sale

Seller Info

User: lindylou72
Member Since: Jun 18, 2017

Mobile: 0402 598 163
Central Coast , New South Wales 2259

Seller Notes

Seller Accepts:
Bank Transfer, Paypal

Listing ID: 4314
Listing Began: Jun 20-9:29
Times Viewed: 28604

Macaw Baby Blue & Gold Male Handraised

Exotic and Asiatic Parrots $4,500.00 AUD


Hand Raised: Yes
Suited to Breeding: No
Description: Handraised from 3 weeks old Blue and Gold Macaw dna Male closed rung. 5 months old and ready for a forever home. Beautiful baby with lovely temperament. Genuine enquiries only from someone committed to giving him a life long home. He is very special to us....