Birds for Sale

Seller Info

User: josh4143
Member Since: Nov 10, 2014

Ph: 0741561598
Moorland, Queensland 4670

Seller Notes

Seller Accepts:
Bank Transfer, Paypal

Listing ID: 2016
Listing Began: Jan 13-10:06
Times Viewed: 23225

jenday Conure

Exotic and Asiatic Parrots $250.00 AUD


  • Spikey
  • Spikey


Hand Raised: Yes
Suited to Breeding: Yes
Description: Jenday Conure. This is Spikey our Jenday Conure, he was hand raised and is quite tame with me, he does talk a bit and could be taught more. I could freight him in a box from Bundaberg. If you want him freighted the box would be under 2 kg so you can work out the price. (An example: a conure to Tassie was around $80) He has bred but the hen has been sold. I am getting out of parrots.